Peel old broken crayons.
Some of the old crayons were difficult to get the paper off. I put them in some water in the microwave for A FEW SECONDS so they wouldn't melt but the paper would easily peel off.
You can spray old muffin tins to use but I really like silicone baking cups for these. I own mini-heart shaped silicone baking cups I use often. Crayons, lotion bars, bath bombs ALL just pop right out.
OVEN: 200F for about 9-11 minutes, then cool. You can cool in the fridge or freezer
MICROWAVE: 5-8 minutes, the oven seems to work better for more even melting but if your child wants to do it alone this is safer.
We passed these out for Halloween. The heart shaped crayon is folded into the nose of the puppy. We put my daughter's memory verse with the puppy, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." --Psalm 119:11
How did you make the puppies?